Nilesh Sharma.

Hello, I'm Nilesh Sharma a video editor with varied abilities based in Delhi. Having gained practical experience with the usage of Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects and Photoshop, I'm also well-equipped with Motion Graphics. However, learning never exhausts the mind so I have been a part of Aevy Community and explored more as a video editor. A person with an eye for creativity, I'm up for trying my hand among diverse range of editing.


<aside> 🖥️ Storytelling | Premiere pro | After Effects | Photoshop


<aside> 🎓 Aevy TV Cohort Member


<aside> 📲 Contact Details

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 8470008221




My Work

Internet is consumed by masses on an exponentially high rate and just how good food can make us feel good, an innovative editing can be pleasing to our eyes and mind.

Tools: Adobe Premiere Pro & Adobe After Effects

A video is more than mere visuals, just wonder how a horror movie will seem without any spooky sound effects! That’s it, watch the video to see the wonder of sound effects.

Tools : Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Photoshop

To provide an insightful perspective to the video, I have used animated effects for elongated and worthful watch time.

Tools : Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Photoshop

Just how a speech can impact the persona of a human, a video with conventional text animation can last an impression on viewer’s mind.

Tools : Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Photoshop

This video constitutes the heart of an IIT aspirant and a video editor. Don’t break anymore hearts and watch it.

Tools : Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Photoshop

Finance With Sharing Sample

Who knew financing can be this fun with a touch of creative editing.

Tools : Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Photoshop

Thank You

Open for remote and in-person work. Contact for inquiry

<aside> 📲 Contact Details

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 8470008221
